When you are surfing the web, all the information about the pages you have visited is registered in the cookies and the navigation history. But there is also a third kind of registration that is made on your PC, and this is performed each time Internet Explorer browser is used. These saved files are called Index.dat, and they record information about the pages you've visited, files and documents you have opened, etc., and if you want to keep that information away from curious eyes, then Index.dat Analyzer can help you in this task.
For most users of Internet Explorer, just erasing the cache and navigation history of the web browser is enough to delete their Internet activity. Nevertheless, index.dat files still remain on their PCs, and if you are a person who likes security, this application can help you. The program will search for index.dat files, and allowing you to remove all the index files on the list. Besides, if you click on any of the items, there's a view entry window where you'll see the contents of a selected file.
Moreover, filtering the files by extensions like html, php, jpeg, mpg, avi, class, css, etc., is also possible. In addition, if you have used a previous version of this utility, you will see that an auto erase feature has been added, and the text contents filter has been improved.
Protect your privacy - Erase all tracks of your Internet and Computer activities.
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